[Unit2] "Citizenfour" (2): Groupwork:

·         Watch the extract that has been assigned to your group and answer the following questions :


  • What do you learn about the NSA scandal ?
  • What vision does it give of Edward Snowden and/or of the different people present  ? Try and think about the notion (myths and heroes) and be as specific as you can.


Group1: Esteban / Bill / Shabbar / Malik / Noé :

Extract group1

note down your answer here

Group2: Fiona / Manon / Morgane / Laura / Anne-Emmanuelle :

Extract group2note down your answer here

Group3: Clément / Matéo / Romain / Nicolas :

Extract group3note down your answer here

Group4: Yusuf / Amélie / Agathe / Alexis / Mélina :

Extract group4note down your answer here

Group5: Julien / Annabelle / Julia / Matthias / Lison :

Extract group5note down your answer here