Unit10: Sport, Politics and Big Money:
Let's now focus on the intermingling between sport, politics and big money! We will try here not only to reflect on the "magic" of sport but also to consider the other side of the coin, and especially the biggest controversies sport is steeped in, especially as the Paris Olympics are drawing near.
Unit11: Transports and Cities:
Now it is time to take a look at the main issues related to transports and cities in the US and in the UK.
You will be able to find out more about cities, cars, trains and so on... and a few other issues that often make the news.
Unit8: Food, Health and Science, or "Food for Thought":
In this unit, we will focus on food-related issues, and especially on the way food, health and science often mingle. As usual, you will find here some of the documents studied in class, but also others to help you go further. This unit will also be a way to introduce a few notions that will be useful next year when we work on Unit17 and healthcare.
Unit9: Politics, Scandals and Voters in the UK and in the US:
In this unit, we will reflect on the main political scandals the US and the UK have been faced with. This will lead us to find out more about journalists and whistleblowers, not to mention modern campaigning and the rise of populism. As we will be working on politics, try and keep an eye on political news in Europe and in the English-speaking world too!
7) UK Immigration: cf Unit25 (EC2) ------------------------------------>
6) Reparations (+Heritage) cf Unit1 + ----------------------------------->
5) The Race Issue: ----------------------------------------------------------->
4) Climate change: ------------------------------------------------------->
3) US Institutions: -------------------------------------------------------->
2) UK Institutions: ------------------------------------------------------->
1) The Digital Age ------------------------------------------------------->
Unit25: Immigration in the US and in the UK (+Australia):
Immigration is a never-ending challenge for governments, and it is even more so in times of crisis. We will here reflect on the different stakes of this burning issue. Here are keywords for the
unit: immigrants, minorities, multiculturalism, melting pot, salad bowl, border patrol, undocumented workers, deportees, wetbacks or boat people, Hispanics or Latinos, "scroungers", fear tactics,
Unit10: Apartheid and Post-Apartheid South Africa:
South Africa hit the headlines a few years ago with the death of Winnie Mandela, not to mention the ninth anniversary of Nelson Mandela's death. In this unit, we will not only review a lot of elements about Apartheid South Africa but also reflect on Post-Apartheid South Africa thanks to a wide range of documents.
Unit2: A Brief History of the USA and the Race Issue in America:
In this Unit, we will study American history through the lens of the race issue. After reviewing a few landmarks in American history and culture, we will try and see what the situation is like for African-Americans (and other communities) today. In other words, we will reflect on the following question: has MLK's dream come true at last?
Unit7: The Climate Crisis: "The Clock is Ticking":
Climate change has become one of the most pressing issues. What with a growing number of natural disasters and scientific evidence of climate change, politicians are being forced to to take a stand on the matter. We will thus try and reflect on the recent natural disasters the US and the UK have been faced with, and consider the climate change debate through various approaches, from climate summits to preppers' techniques!
Unit3: US Politics and the 2022 midterm elections:
[cf partie IV du DM)]
Here are a few useful documents for your home assignment (DM) and for the topics we will cover after the break. In this section, you will find videos and articles dealing with the US political system and recent political issues in America. Make sure to keep informed on US politics, especially on the upcoming midterms!
Unit1: The British Monarchy and the Media:
In this unit, we are just getting started! We will focus on the royal events which have taken place in the UK in the last few years (and months!). We will then consider the way the media report on the Royals. Basically, we will reflect on the monarchy debate and find out more about the British political system, not to mention the Commonwealth.
Unit6: UK Politics in Turmoil: British Political Parties, Leaders, and Topical Issues:
Here are a few links and resources to find out more about the UK political system and to have a better grasp of the main political parties and leaders in the UK, not to mention the principal issues at stake right now, especially the current crisis of the Conservative Party and the various challenges the country has been faced with. This unit should help you review what you learned in Unit1 and go even further!
Unit3: Welcome to the Digital Age!
Social networks, PCs, tablets, apps... Two decades ago, the world entered the digital age and this has had a tremendous impact on everybody's way of life.
In this unit, we will try and reflect on the ways social media make the world a better place to live in. Are new technologies a force for good or a curse?