Unit 13-14: The Media, Politics and The US 2024 Presidential election: "(Fake?) Information is Power"


Here, you will reflect on the changes the media has/have been faced with. You will also scrutinize the violence of contemporary media or the intermingling of the media and politics, not to mention the notions of fake news and free speech. This unit will also give you the opportunity to find out more about the current presidential campaign in the US and key issues and people in US politics right now. We will also study some of the key images of the campaign, which could be useful for your "Culture générale" exams.

Survival kit:

EC2 Unit13 Survival kit 2024
EC2 Unit13 Survival kit on the Media 202
Adobe Acrobat Document 954.0 KB
EC2 Unit14 Survival kit 2024
EC2 Unit14 Survival kit on US Politics 2
Adobe Acrobat Document 799.3 KB

Step1: The Media: Main facts + a current crisis?

  • Newspapers: Main facts: + oral presentation

Vocabulary: English online

The British Media: Slideshare, main facts

The Media in the US: Main facts


  • Are newspapers currently in crisis/decline?

Une majeure crise au Washington Post (La Tribune)

"The end of journalism as we know it", The Press Gazette

"The Death of traditional journalism", Medium

"Newspapers in Crisis", Serious Science.org

"Washington Post in crisis", Le Monde Doc1

  • A few solutions to overcome the crisis:

"The New York Times paywall", Quora

"Buzzfeed: the 'Queen of advertising", Influence.co

Step2: "Sex sells" and "If it bleeds, it leads":

-The Bataclan attack and the migrant crisis (Doc2b):

"Publier ou non la photo de l'intérieur du Bataclan?" (Polka)

"To publish or not? Why publishing the photo of little Aylan matters", The Huffington Post

"A see of images", The Huffington Post

"What the image of Aylan Kurdi says about the power of photography", Time

-Charlie Hebdo and its controversial cartoons (Doc2c):

"New York Times only US newspaper not to publish Charlie hebdo cover", The Huffington Post

 "Hommage à Samuel Patty et Dominique Bernard" (France Info)

Step3: Media bias and Politics: "The Enemy of the State/People" or "The Fourth Estate"?

  • How AI and the media can influence elections:

Doc3e: "How AI could sway voters in 2024's big election" (Chatham House)

"The rise of political Tik Tok" (Politico)

Revisions (cf EC1/ Unit3, US institutions)

  • The US political system:

Our government (TheWhiteHouse.gov)

How is the US government structured? (BBC)

  • How the US electoral process works + the two major parties:

"How the US president is elected" (USA.gov)                   Key video->

"The Two-party system and the two major parties in the US" (US embassy.gov)

"Republicans and Democrats: Comparing and contrasting US political parties" (Elli, ESL Library)

"270towin" (270toWin.com)

"US election 2024: which are the battleground states that could decide the election?" (FirstPost)

"2024 presidential candidates" (CNN)

Step4: Two camps "at war": Key facts about the current presidential campaign:

  • Two presidential tickets:

-> cf Martha and Ibrahim's oral presentation

  1. Donald Trump and J.D. Vance:

Former President Donald Trump: official website

Senator J.D. Vance: official website

How Donald Trump stands on key issues in US politics (Ballotpedia)

Presidential candidates (CNN)

Promises Donald Trump has made so far in the campaign (CNN) = -------- > Doc4a:  look at the issues mentioned after the promises made

Where Trump stands on key issues (BBC News)

Project 2025 (BBC News)


      2. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz:


Vice-President Kamala Harris: official website / white house website /

Governor Tim Walz: official website /

How Kamala Harris stands on key issues in US politics (Ballotpedia)

Presidential candidates (CNN)

Promises Kamala Harris has made so far in the campaign (CNN) =  ----> Doc4b: look at the issues mentioned after the promises made


Doc4c :"The Making of Kamala Harris" (Today in Focus podcast)

-> cf Sohanna's oral presentation


"How Trump and Harris compare on the Israel-Hamas war" (Politifact) + The first five paragraphs of this article (ABC News)  Assia

  • Cartoons on the highs and lows/ twists and turns of the campaign: Guillaume + Sohanna

Doc4d: "The Rollercoaster" by Barry Blitt on August 19, 2024

Doc4e: "Hurricane Trump" by Christo Komarnistic on October 11, 2024

Hurricane Helen (Britannica)

"Trump's politicization around storm relief" (CNN)

Step5: Branding and Political Violence in the US Media:                A Battle/War of IMAGES (cf Culture Gé + Marketing)

  • Shanel and Sohanna's oral presentation on the iconic picture of the first assassination attempt on Trump (Doc5a):
  • Coming soon: a battle/war of IMAGES:

Step6: A Tight Race? + Election results and takeaways:

Go further!

Quizlet games (Unit13+Unit14) created by Inès, a former student:

Unit13 vocabulary (on the media):

Vocabulary on Unit14 (US politics):