NSA? FISC? DOJ? PRISM? Feeling a little lost? In this Unit, we will try to have a better grasp on the recent NSA snooping
scandal in the US. You will find out more about Snowden, Manning or other whistleblowers who made the news in the US and in the UK, study key articles about the surveillance leaks and programs,
and reflect on the debate pitting civil liberties against national security. This unit will also be the opportunity to reflect on the upcoming "Imperial presidency" of Donald Trump.
NSA Scandal Timeline (Spiegel, en français et en images)
NSA Scandal (Interactive Map)
The NASA for dummies! (Kerry Patton)
Internet freedom vs Big Data (Mashable)
Liberty vs Security (USA Today)
Citizenfour (2014) and Snowden (2016) about Snowden
1) Edward Snowden:
Biographical facts (Wikipedia)
Should Snowden be praised or punished? (USA Today)
What Edward Snowden has been doing in Russia (Washington Post)
2) Julian Assange:
"Julian Assange: campaigner or attention-seeker?" (BBC News)
3) Bradley/Chelsea Manning :
Biographical facts (Wikipedia)
Bradley Manning's statement after
being found guilty of charges
Chelsea Manning on the Far Right, State Surveillance and their lessons for Australia (The Guardian)
Doc1e: ReadMe: Chelsea Manning tells her story (The Guardian+NPR)
"Traîtres ou héros : Les Informateurs qui ont créé le scandale" (Le Temps)
the NSA / the US Patriot Act / the USA Freedom Act
Doc2b: "Aerial surveillance in USA" (EM Lyon 2022)
Doc2c: "Forget state surveillance: our tracking devices are doing the same job" (Audencia 2022)
Doc2d: "Can facial recognition be stopped?" (Audencia 2022)
Doc2e: "Drones used by police to monitor political protests in England" (SKEMA 2022)
From French into English:
-"Cyberattatque sur la ville de Caen", Ouest France Doc3
-"Petit guide des scandales de la NSA éventés par Snowden", (24 heures)
-"Révélations sur les scandales des paradis
fiscaux", Le Monde
From English into French:
-"NSA defenders think they can make surveillance reform vanish. This is how wrong they are", The Guardian
1984 (George Orwell)
Find out more about the word "Orwellian"
Brave New World (Aldous Huxley)
Little Brother (Cory Doctorow)
The Watergate scandal, Irangate, etc: cf Unit11 (EC1)
Democrats mired in scandals (Huffington Post)
List of Obama Scandals and Controversies
Enemy of the State (1998)
The Whistleblower (2010)
The Fifth Estate (2013). Review (The Economist)
Mediastan (2013)
Bodyguard (2018)