The glass-ceiling” and the “gender gap” are notions which seem to go hand in hand with women’s situation on the job market. Taking a look at women’s (and minorities’) economic and political progress, we will try to see whether women and minorities are now in a position to break through the glass-ceiling. We will thus try and see whether most of them can now make it to the top, not to mention whether gender discrimination is on the wane...
Doc1b and 1c
The Glass-ceiling: definition1, definition2 Doc1a
The Gender Gap: Doc1d definition, Global Gender Gap report 2024
Equal Pay Day and the Gender Gap
Gender pay gap in the US, state by state
Gender pay gap in Australia (video)
Doc1f: Victoria's Secret's 'Perfect Body' ad: Kilyan and Axel -->doc
Doc1g: "Since
#MeToo how many accused Hollywood men have actually been convicted?" (Glamour) Guillaume -> doc
Doc1h: Trump's White House is filling with alleged sexual abusers... led by him (The Guardian)
Cyprien -> doc
Doc1i: "Your body, my choice" (France
24) Sohanna -> doc
Doc1j: Take a quiz / casual sexism in the UK Martha
and Afi -> doc
Doc2a: A few original creations to raise awareness among children: Tom and Juliette -> doc
The Normal Barbie/ Meet Lammily
Miss Possible: an app to inspire young girls
Doc2b: Microfeminism: Assia > doc
"Microfeminism, the next big thing in fighting the patriarchy" (NPR)
"Women are sharing their favorite acts of microfeminism"
Doc2c: Rupi Kaur and her committed artwork:
her biography/story Salimata and Shanel > doc
Doc2d: Inspiring women/trailblazers:
Gisèle Pélicot Noah and Romain -> Doc
Ruth Bader
Ginsburg Matteo and Thibault -> Doc
Simone Biles Quentin and Ibrahim -> Doc
Nyad Nicole -> Doc
"The Glass-ceiling for African, Hispanic (Latino) and Asian Americans" (Ethnic Majority). Cf Unit2, Civil Rights in the US.
The Everyday Sexism Project (Time)