Unit17: "A Man's Man's World": The Glass-Ceiling, the Gender Gap and other Gender-Related Issues


The glass-ceiling” and the “gender gap” are notions which seem to go hand in hand with women’s situation on the job market. Taking a look at women’s (and minorities’) economic and political progress, we will try to see whether women and minorities are now in a position to break through the glass-ceiling. We will thus try and see whether most of them can now make it to the top, not to mention whether gender discrimination is on the wane...

Survival kit:

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EC2 2024 2025 Unit17 Survival kit by Lorine and Sandy
EC2 2024 2025 survival kit by Lorine and
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Step1: The "Glass-Ceiling" and the "Gender Gap":

Doc1b and 1c


Step1bis: A few examples of discrimination against women:

Doc1f: Victoria's Secret's 'Perfect Body' ad:   Kilyan and Axel -->doc

Doc1i: "Your body, my choice" (France 24) Sohanna -> doc


Doc1j: Take a quiz / casual sexism in the UK  Martha and Afi -> doc

Step2: A few glimmers of hope: The fight for gender equality:

Doc2a: A few original creations to raise awareness among children: Tom and Juliette -> doc

The Normal Barbie/ Meet Lammily

Lego's female science kit

Miss Possible: an app to inspire young girls


Doc2b: Microfeminism: Assia > doc

"Microfeminism, the next big thing in fighting the patriarchy" (NPR)

"Women are sharing their favorite acts of microfeminism"


Doc2c: Rupi Kaur and her committed artwork:

her biography/story Salimata and Shanel > doc

book review

Doc2d: Inspiring women/trailblazers:

Gisèle Pélicot   Noah and Romain -> Doc

Kamala Harris

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  Matteo and Thibault -> Doc

Simone Biles Quentin and Ibrahim -> Doc

Megan Rapinoe

Diana Nyad Nicole -> Doc

Amanda Gorman

Amanda Gorman: "The Future is female"

Step3: From discrimination against women to discrimination against minorities:

  • The Glass-ceiling for Minorities:

"The Glass-ceiling for African, Hispanic (Latino) and Asian Americans" (Ethnic Majority). Cf Unit2, Civil Rights in the US.


  • General knowledge
  • Feminism and the fight for women's rights:

About.com: Women's History

The Everyday Sexism Project (Time)

  • Movies dealing with gender or homosexuality:
Philadelphia (1993)
Made in Dagenham (We Want Sex Equality) (2010)
"RBG" (2018)

Quizlet games created by Inès, a former student: